This site uses cookies NOT profiling. Continuing navigation we accept the use of cookies by any third party. For further information please read the wide information.


The purpose of this notice is to describe how the site is managed with regard to the processing of personal data of Customers entered in it.The information is provided only for this site and not also for other websites or sections/pages/spaces owned by Third Parties that may be consulted by the user through appropriate links, since the information must be provided by the latter.
The company Chriss Srl, in the person of its legal representative, which can be reached at the email address
Customer data
These data may be used by the Holder to execute the request for registration or the contract of provision of the chosen Service, manage and execute the contact requests submitted by the user, provide assistance, comply with the legal and regulatory obligations to which the holder is obliged according to the activity carried out. In no case will your personal data be sold to third parties or used for undisclosed purposes.
In particular, your data will be processed:
a)for the registration of personal data and requests for contact or information material by the user, to give course to activities related to the registration of personal data, to manage requests for information and contact and/or sending of informative material, or to fulfil any other obligations arising from them.
The legal basis for such processing is the fulfilment of the services related to the registration request, information and contact and/ or sending of information material and compliance with legal obligations.
b) for the management of the contractual relationship, to give effect to activities related to the purchase of a Service, the management of the order, the delivery, invoicing and payment management, handling complaints and/or reports to the service department and providing the service itself, the prevention of fraud and the fulfilment of any other obligations arising from the contract.
The legal basis for such processing is the fulfilment of the services inherent in the contractual relationship and compliance with legal obligations.
2) Within the scope of the site service, personal data will also be used to send commercial or informative communications related to the site itself and its customers.
3) The provision of data is optional even if a refusal to provide them would prevent the conclusion of the operation to be carried out.
Owner, Managers and categories of Representatives
The data controller is the person in the person of its owner. In addition to the owner, the processing of personal data may also be carried out by third parties, to whom the company entrusts certain activities (or part thereof) related or instrumental to the processing of data or the provision of services offered. In this case, the same entities will operate as independent owners, co-owners, or will be appointed Data Processors or persons in charge of processing.
Data processing
The Holder shall use appropriate security measures to ensure confidentiality, the integrity and availability of your personal data and imposes the same security measures on third-party providers and Controllers.
Place of data processing
The personal data of the Interested Party is stored in paper, computer and telematic archives located in countries where the GDPR applies (EU countries).
Time limits for data retention
Unless they explicitly express their wish to remove them, your personal data will be kept for as long as it is necessary in relation to the legitimate purposes for which have been collected, in particular for the duration of your registration and/or use of the Services related to the site in question.
Rights of data subjects
The subjects to whom the personal data relate have the right at any time to obtain confirmation of the existence or not of their data, to know its content and origin, to verify their accuracy or to request that they be supplemented, updated or deleted, to request the limitation of processing relating to them or to oppose their processing, to request the portability, to revoke its consent, to make a complaint from a supervisory authority. You can exercise the rights provided for in artt. 15 to 20 of the EU GDPR No. 2016/679 by contacting the owner, through the contact page of the site or through the references shown at the bottom of the page.
Changes to the privacy policy
This information may be modified, also following the entry into force of new regulations in the sector, the updating or provision of new services or technological innovations, for which the user/ visitor is invited to periodically consult this page.

Manifesto of consent. The Customer acknowledges having received the above information and gives consent to the processing and communication of personal data, in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in the above-mentioned information.

What is a cookie?

Cookies are text files that are downloaded to your device when you visit a site. On each thereafter, the cookies are sent back to the website that originated them (first-party cookies) or to another site that recognizes them (third-party cookies). Cookies serve a variety of purposes such as, for example, allowing you to navigate efficiently between pages, remember favorite sites, and generally improve the browsing experience. They also help to ensure that the advertising content displayed online is more targeted to a user and their interests. Depending on the function and purpose of use, cookies can be divided into technical cookies, profiling cookies, third-party cookies.

Technical cookies

Technical cookies are those whose use does not require user consent. These cookies are essential to enable to navigate a website and use all of its features. Performance cookies also belong to this category, which are sometimes also called analytics cookies. These are cookies that collect information about the use that a user's use of a website and allow it to improve its operation. For example, performance cookies show which are the most frequently visited pages, allow you to see what are the recurring patterns of use of a website, help understand any difficulties a user experiences in using it, and show the effectiveness of advertising that is published on the site.

Profiling cookies

These cookies allow us to remember choices that users make on the site and/or services that are explicitly requested with the aim of providing more advanced and personalized services. The use of said cookies requires the prior acquisition of the user's free informed consent in accordance with Articles 15 to 20 of the EU GDPR No. 2016/679.
This site does not use profiling cookies.

Third-party cookies

Cookies "terze parti" are those used by other domains residing on servers other than the one on which the requested page. In other words, said cookies are set directly by operators of different websites or servers. Third-party cookies are also used to personalize advertising exposure depending on the interest of the user and the frequency of exposure to the message.
Cookies Policy third-party sites:
- Google Analytics
- You Tube

How to disable cookies from your browser

Procedures for managing cookies differ depending on the browser you use; by accessing its help section you can find out how to manage the settings.
Please note that changing the settings will only impact that particular browser and pc, in order to align the behavior to other devices as well, and it is necessary to repeat the operation on each browser.

This privacy policy may be subject to change over time - also related to the possible entry into force of new sector regulations, the updating or provision of new services or to intervening technological innovations - so the user/visitor is invited to periodically consult this page.